Publicaciones Académicas

  • Behar-Villegas, E. (2022). Absurda lex, sed lex? Public value and the decay of the Rule of Law: A conceptual perspective. Economics and Business Review 22(3), 7-26 DOI: 10.18559/ebr.2022.3.2

  • Behar-Villegas, E. & Koc, H (2022). Altering Credibility through short-term government branding: a digital framing experiment. Proceedings of the 17th International Conference onWirtschaftsinformatik.

  • Behar-Villegas, E., Sanabria-Pulido, P., Hasselbrink-Macías, P. (2022). Las “ías”, entes de control y fiscalía en cifras: politización e inefectividad en la gestión pública entre múltiples capas de control. Working Document Nr. 87. School of Policy Alberto Lleras Camargo – Universidad de los Andes. URL:

  • Behar Villegas, E. (2021). Wasteful spending cultures: state inefficiency and policy narratives. Brazilian Journal of Public Administration, 55 (3), 662-678,

  • Behar Villegas, E. (2018). Military Recruitment on Facebook: an Exploratory Study into the Production of Applicant Attraction in Germany, France and the United States. Göttingen: Cuvillier Verlag. ISBN: 978-3-736998-87-2

  • Behar Villegas, E. (2018). Economía Naranja: indicadores, realidad y perspectivas de la Bogotá creativa. (Orange Economy: indicators, reality and perspectives of a creative Bogotá). Cuadernos de Desarrollo Económico/Economic Development Notebooks, 7 (1), 5-77.

  • Behar Villegas, E. (2016). Facebook and its Disappearing Posts: Data Collection Approaches on Fan-Pages for Social Scientists. Journal of Social Media in Society. 5 (1) Tarleton University.

  • Beck, M. & Behar Villegas, E. (2015). Ecommerce in Colombia: exploding opportunities. Revista Civilizar de Empresa y Economía. 6 (11). Universidad Sergio Arboleda.

  • Behar Villegas, E. & Schwartz, T. (Eds.),(2012). Interkulturelles Management im Deutsch-Französischen Umfeld: Theoretische und Empirische Beiträge. Libertas Institut. ISBN 978-3-937642-24-6